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Where the journeys lead to stories and the stories lead to journeys.
Chrystyna Lucyk-Berger Author and Publisher

Meet Kitty Larsson

The Diplomat’s Wife

A WW2 Espionage Series

She shoots, plays cards and charms people into feeding her intel they normally wouldn’t.

As the daughter of a U.S. Senator, Kitty Larsson is no stranger to politics and can assuredly claim she has no interest in it. But when she falls in love with Dr. Edgar Ragatz, a charming, Austrian diplomat, her new life in Vienna lands her in the middle of a geopolitical chess match. The Nazis annex Austria and Kitty’s best friends – betrayed by the Allied nations – are in dire straits, with nowhere to turn. Except Kitty could break the rules to save them. Is she prepared to betray the man she loves…? And when the war encompasses the world, will she switch allegiances altogether?

And why is Edgar so keen on climbing up the ranks of the new regime?

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟
“Kitty Larsson might be my favorite character ever! A twisty WW2 espionage series based on true stories with characters you will root for!”

(Paperback, audiobook, ebook, Kindle Unlimited)

Part 1

1938: With her best friends in dire straits, the West blocking Jewish immigration, and her diplomat husband busy climbing the social ladder for the Nazi regime, Kitty Larsson must decide whether to betray the man she loves to do what's right. Dive in and get addicted!

Part 2

Kitty Larsson is no stranger to politics. She risks all to lead an escaped prisoner over France with news from Auschwitz. His report will shock the world. But is it enough? Because her husband is missing, suspected of defecting. And nobody trusts anyone. The hair-raising series continues!

Part 3

Seasoned U.S. agent Kitty Larsson is sent on her most dangerous mission: by penetrating Fortress Germany with secret ops, the West hopes to prevent Soviet control of Europe. But when Kitty is betrayed, her cover is blown and her worst fears are realized. The nail-biting finale!

The World War II Series

Unforgettable stories based on the heartbreaking experiences of Ukrainian families during WW2

Join poets and partisans, artists and dissidents as they navigate their way to freedom.

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Now on Kindle Unlimited
They took her country. But they will never take her courage.

1944, Germany: Gazing through the barbed wire fence, up at the pale blue sky, Antonia dreams of her home in Ukraine: cherry orchards, golden fields, and the man she loves, whom she may never see again…
Epic, heart-wrenching and gripping World War 2 historical fiction
Available as paperback, audiobook and ebook.

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Now on Kindle Unlimited
Not all battles are fought by soldiers.

Absolutely heartbreaking and gripping World War 2 historical fiction
“Fantastic!!! There wasn’t a moment when I wasn’t gripped!… My heart really ached… Incredibly gripping!” Goodreads Reviewer

Wonderful intense readSo vivid you will feel you are there. I could not put this story down. I loved the book.” Goodreads Reviewer

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Now on Kindle Unlimited
I am stunned by the sad beauty. I feel like I've gotten a present. That's how I feel after reading a really brilliant book or story.
Marina Osipova How Dare the Birds Sing

The Reschen Valley Series


Get the whole series

Now available on Kindle Unlimited

get each book individually

Book 1

A plan to flood a valley. A means to destroy a culture.

1920. Former Austrian Tyrol. The Great War is over but a new conflict has begun. When Katharina Thaler finds an injured Italian veteran on her mountain, saving him will thrust both into a labyrinth of prejudice, corruption and greed.

Book 2

Burying the past comes at a high price...

1924. Northern Italy. When the Fascist floodgates burst, Katharina must reach out to the one man whom she’s sworn to forget. Follows directly after No Man’s Land.

Book 3

On the journey to discovering who she is, Annamarie finds out who she is not.

1937. South Tyrol. Annamarie snaps up her ticket out of the Reschen Valley in the form of a politician’s son and fascist uniform. But the confrontations have just begun…

Book 4

It's a dangerous time to be a dissident...

1938. South Tyrol. Hitler and Mussolini join forces and the regimes deal with the Tyrolean “question” with a plan to divide and conquer. Katharina and Angelo align with old enemies to form a strong front. The last book in the award-winning series.

The Prequel

Pride goes before the fall.

1900s South Tyrol. Fritz Hanny, the antagonist in the first two books of the series, creates and descends into his own hell.

…really rather marvellous. Wonderfully addictive. Lucyk-Berger is a born storyteller.
Mary Anne Yarde Coffee Pot Book Club blogger
The Historical Background Blog

Discover the histories behind the stories.

How does an author go about creating a completely fictional character who is supposed to be experiencing the events of a historically accurate time-period? My...
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How does an author go about creating a completely fictional character who is supposed to be experiencing the events of a historically accurate time-period? My...
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How does an author go about creating a completely fictional character who is supposed to be experiencing the events of a historically accurate time-period? My...
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Behind the Words

My focus is on historical fiction with a special interest in how my characters develop under great duress, in conflict, and whether it’s going to be the good, the bad or the ugly that comes out of them. Writing strong women characters gives me a real kick, as does exploring cultural clashes, languages, and relationships. For a real deep look at how I approach the historical fiction genre, you will want to read this.

When I am not working on my projects, I buzz around the area as a business communications trainer, consultant, and coach. I develop educational programs, materials and corporate training games, too. I am always looking for ways to broaden my horizons and help others. I enjoy connecting with people and challenging myself and others to look from different perspectives.

When I rest on my laurels, it’s to spend quality time with my family, our friends, our dog, our cat, and our garden. To bring me back to the real world, I love cooking up a storm and sharing in the pleasures of good food and good company. That, mountain hikes, and the sea are fodder for my soul and creativity.

What are you reading? What do you think of my books? Reach out and ask me anything about my writing or my stories. I look forward to engaging with you!

Chrystyna Lucyk-Berger

Historical Fiction Author and Publisher

Contact Me

Questions? Want to share some thoughts?


    Storyfire Ltd.
    Carmelite House
    50 Victoria Embankment
    London EC4Y 0DZ

    Tips and Tricks for Hopeful Writers

    I run three businesses full-time, so I am sorry, but I do not take unsolicited manuscripts and I currently do not have the capacity or time to mentor hopeful writers.

    I can recommend Anne Aylor’s So You Want to Write a Novel! course, retreat, and her mentoring services. I worked under her tutelage for ten years before publishing. I can also highly recommend the Faber & Faber WIP online course, where I gained valuable craft-building skills as well as built relationships with other writers with whom I still exchange ideas and manuscripts. Writing will require an investment — financial, time, and loads of  learning about what the profession requires. You don’t wake up being a prima ballerina or heart surgeon; you don’t wake up being a best-selling author either.

    I also encourage you to take a look at this author’s detailed resources regarding how to get your book published.

    Please note: As a rule, it is taboo in the industry to send authors unsolicited manuscripts. If you are looking to share ARCs, are looking for a review or for a blurb on your cover, please make sure your book is set to be published and relates to the genre the author writes in. I’m happy to consider assisting if I have the capacity. Thank you in advance for your professional courtesy!